A little bit about me 👩🏻‍💻

I am a budding front-end developer currently honing my coding skills through SheCodes, an exciting journey I've embarked upon despite having no prior experience in programming. My background in law from university has instilled in me a strong foundation of analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which I'm now eager to apply to the world of technology.

As a junior in this field, I'm embracing every challenge and opportunity that comes my way, driven by a passion for learning and a desire to master the language of code. I am excited to carve out my path in the dynamic realm of web development, continually expanding my knowledge and refining my craft along the way. As I continue to refine my skills and expand my expertise, I look forward to making meaningful contributions to the world of technology and leaving my mark on the digital landscape.

A picture of me

This project was coded with ❣️ by Komal Ahmed
& is open-sourced on GitHub